Treningi za Športnike v Karanteni
02/04/2020Transfer vaj v šport
14/04/2020There are plenty of tips out there on how to plan and progress your training sessions. Based on different variables and theories.
If I can be a bit sarcastic, then majority of them is based on what the coaches/athletes are seining it on a YouTube (Facebook and Instagram too). I named this “YouTube periodisation”. Don’t lough, this is real deal and I am sure this is most used periodisation scheme these days. All the other ways of planning are way behind this one. Who cares for block, linear, undulating, conjugate, top to bottom approach, whatever named periodisation if he/she can easily access YouTube from anywhere on the world and just watch new exercise and add it to our plan.
If you’re one of these coaches, then there is no point reading it further. STOP wasting your time, go to YouTube and do what you already do.
On the other hand, if you want to plan on something valuable (numbers in our case and good old experiences) read on.
I prepared small and simple table presenting different variables for coaches who look inside the lifts, runs…: Force, Power, Work, time and acceleration which are all dependable on each other.
And three predefined variables: body mass of the athlete, velocity of movement and range of motion or distance.
In our case I based my numbers on a lifting movement, say Squatting and this is fast squatting for sure.
Oh, for all the nerds out there this is simplistic explanation, based on simple and linear progressions. No need to complicate things at the beginning.
Athlete with body mass of 100 kg is squatting with two different ROM and two different velocities. So, we have four different quantities based on above mentioned variables.
Two shallow (0,45m) and deep squats (0,5m) with two faster (1,1m/s) and slower (1m/s) velocities.
I then proceed to calculate other variables using simple equations from primary school.
Again, I know athletic movements aren’t so simple but to get my point with planning this is ok.
From these simple equations you can already see that you get different numbers based on fixed variables.
You can observe rankings of the same variable if you just check colour progressions inside the table (rows) above and below. From worst to best: red – yellow/orange – light green – dark green.
The table can help you to see the obvious. Some numbers of the same variable are higher from the other just because your movement was faster, and ROM was shallower.
I then procced to Rank these calculated variables based on colour. All green – Rank #1 and all red – Rank #4.
Above ranking helps me to base my plans either on ROM as in Cycle order #1 in above table and expect almost the same as in Cycle order #2 based on power produced and/or work done if we look it reverse, which is excepted outcome.
So, to get it clear, this is all theoretical and hypothetical!
But you can see that numbers produced, if you base your work on ROM (Cycle order #1), you can expect real magic as this is real progression from a cycle to cycle. But only if the athlete puts maximal intent into their lifts (movements), you can really expect that numbers will follow as in theoretical plan in Cycle order #2.
I am first to admit these is a fairy tale as we all know that real life is a bitch: athletes don’t come to a training session, illness, injuries, schoolwork… But it is a start to plan a progression inside a workout plan. You can later repair and adjust whatever is necessary to lessen the damage.
Of course, there are other variables and considerations what and how to train, this is just a to point what can be looked/observed and how you can start from somewhere. Starting Line!
I still believe this simple concept is good to start from somewhere and way better then YouTube periodisation.
This is a short post on the topic that I frequently got questions.